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2015 Annual TriFreedom Celebration Lunch...What a day!

Hey there!! I am excited to announce that we had a great time at the Trifreedom lunch last Sunday and heard some really interesting stuff from representatives from The A21 Campaign. Linda Varley from Bikes and Bits Tamworth drew the Harley-Davidson Sponsor raffle and Mark and Loanna from Singles Builders were the lucky winners! Singles Builders have been great supporters of Trifreedom every year since the charity started. And thankfully Mick didn’t draw the raffle!! In true generosity they then announced that they wanted to donate the bike back to Trifreedom to kick start our fundraising for 2015! Thanks so much to everyone that bought tickets in the raffle. Thanks to Matt and Linda Varley for making the sponsor raffle possible. Attached is the board with everyone that sponsored the raffle and also a photo of Mark and Loanna with the guys from A21 and the Harley. A21 were blown away by the people involved with Trifreedom and what we had accomplished in the past 4 years as we partner with them in the fight against Human Trafficking. We also presented our fundraising cheque from 2014 of $50,000!!! What a great effort once again! To everyone involved in any way at all, No words are enough to explain how much of a difference we are making. Rescued victims lives have been turned around because of people like you and no amount of thank you’s seem enough! Race date for 2015 is October 18. We would love to take a team even bigger than last year (we had 120 people compete last year) so get behind this! If you don’t want to compete there’s heaps of ways to get involved, please contact us through our brand new website! Also let us know if you would like to swim, ride, or run (or all three as an individual) so we can start getting our lists going. Keep your eyes on the website for the race day highlights clip and also trifreedom facebook page so you know when there’s other upcoming events that you may be interested in. What a cracker of a year last year, can’t wait for 2015!!! Love Mia. J

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